5 Tips for a Successful Property Flip in Central Florida

While flipping is a great way to make a quick profit, this endeavor requires realistic expectations and well-laid-out plans for every step of the process in advance. All too often, wide-eyed first-time buyers entering the fix and flip market are excited by television shows that make the process appear quick and easy.  While it is … Continued

Keys To Building A Passive Cash Flow With Turnkey Property

Thinking about investing in turnkey properties? Make sure you read this article which reveals the 5 secret keys to building a passive cash flow with turnkey property – which works here in the 32940 zip code, and elsewhere. Most people work their whole lives and then retire at 65 with little to show for it. … Continued

How to Find Turnkey Rentals In Central Florida

Want to invest in turnkey properties? Of course, you do because they make a great addition to any portfolio. In this blog post we’re sharing how to find turnkey rentals in Central Florida… Turnkey rental properties are a great addition to any investor’s portfolio – they’re hands off, they’re simple to own, and they provide … Continued

3 Ways To Value a Rental Property in Central Florida

If you want to invest in rental real estate in Central Florida then one of the first things you’ll need to do is determine the value of the property. After all, how else will you know if it’s the right investment for you? In this blog post, we’ll share with you the 3 ways to … Continued

4 Costs Associated With Rental Property in Central Florida

If you’re thinking about investing in rental property, you’re probably doing your due diligence to make sure it’s right for you. Likely, one step in that due diligence is figuring out what expenses you’ll pay. Smart! To help you, we’ve created this list of 4 costs associated with rental property in Central Florida… When it … Continued